Aktionsgemeinschaft Artenschutz (AGA) e.V. (Action Campaign for Endangered Species) is working for the conservation of endangered animals and plant species and their habitats since 1986. AGA operates internationally to protect and preserve nature, to raise environmental awareness and to prevent the destruction of the livelihood of humans, animals and plants.

AGA emerged from the “Save the Turtles” campaign, which itself was initiated in 1981. "Save the Turtles" was a campaign by private individuals against the cruel slaughter of turtles. The charity AGA was founded in 1986. The commitment of AGA has not diminished since its first activities and is no longer limited to “only” rescuing turtles. Still today, AGA is characterized by its tireless dedication to the protection of endangered species.

AGA works internationally with competent local partner organizations in order to carry out its projects effectively. Thanks to this close and fruitful cooperation, species conservation projects can be implemented directly and sustainably.

AGA continues to be committed to the protection of endangered turtles, for example by protecting their nesting beaches or rescuing turtles, which were captured as by-catch in fishing gear. In order to develop effective and science-based protection measures, AGA also conducts research into fundamental issues. For example, the geographic range of cheetahs, koalas and penguins is being investigated, in order to better protect these species where they occur. AGA contributes to the resolution of existing human-wildlife conflicts with constructive conservation concepts, such as the use of guarding dogs to protect livestock herds from predators like cheetahs. Furthermore, AGA supports outreach efforts and develops educational materials to raise awareness about conservation issues .

AGA also supports nurseries for elephant and cheetah orphans and provides emergency aid to rescue species, for example when natural disasters are threatening the survival of endangered species. By designating protected areas and tree planting projects, AGA supports the conservation of the habitat of endangered species.

Environmental education is essential for sustainable nature and species protection. It is one of AGA's goals to empower children, young people and adults to learn about global interconnections and threats to biodiversity following the concept of education for sustainable development (ESD) and to inspire them for nature and the environment. As a place of learning for ESD, AGA provides a wide range of educational material to raise awareness of sustainable development and encourage sustainable, responsible action.

AGA is supported by contributions from donors and sponsors, as well as its energetic volunteers. Only thanks to this help conservation projects can be effectively and successfully implemented.

For more information on some of our projects in English, please refer to the respective project websites of our partner organizations:

Cheetah Conservation Fund

The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust

Bahari Hai

Foundation for National Parks and Wildlife

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